Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: The Funny Truth and Myths

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: The Funny Truth and Myths

“Teaching an old dog new tricks” is an age-old saying, much like thinking mobile phones would never have touch screens. But what if I told you that old Rex could still surprise you? Let's dive into this with a pinch of humor!

Think of it this way: your dog is like an old rocker. He's got his classic moves down (sit, lie down, fetch a beer from the fridge), but that doesn't mean he can't learn a new hit. Sure, it might take him a bit longer than a puppy, but with patience and the right methods, he'll get there.

Splitters and Triplers for Stylish Walks

Splitters and Triplers for Stylish Walks

Walking one dog is great. Walking multiple dogs is even better. And if you have a pack of Staffordshire Bull Terriers at home, every walk becomes an adventure you don't want to miss. Whether you're walking them solo or with the whole crew, having the right gear ensures both comfort and style. And what's better than leather splitters and triplers adorned with classic hardware?

Slade Czech: Twenty years together

Slade Czech - Twenty years together!

Twenty years ago, when we embarked on our wild journey called Slade Czech, none of us could have foreseen the incredible story that would unfold over those two decades. Initially, we thought we were simply starting a business, but as time passed, we built something much deeper together - we built a family. Our customers aren't just ordinary clients; they're our dearest friends, almost like an extension of our own family.

Art That Smells Like Brass

Art That Smells Like Brass

Today, let's spill the beans on how our awesome brass tags for Slade Czech collars are born.

It all kicks off on our smarty-pants computers, where we brainstorm how those tags are gonna look. Our brass heroes are 2 mm thick, just spot on. A CNC engraver with surgical precision mills out the texts, marks the shape, and spots for those necessary holes. It's almost like magic, but hey, it's just technology.

TAG FOR TAG - Navigate Through Chaos Like a Boss!

TAG FOR TAG - Navigate Through Chaos Like a Boss!

Welcome to the chaos ring, where life throws hooks at you faster than Floyd Mayweather in the ring! New phone, new address, new alias, or are you planning to disappear under the cloak of Anonymity? Don't worry, you’re not alone. Slade Czech is here to lift you up and bring some shine and order to your crazy world!

The Slade Czech team is going at it full and happy!

The Slade Czech team is going at it full and happy!

Are you ready for our final production "blast" before the end of the year? We're going all out, like it's the best party of the year! This isn't just any ordinary production, this is art in motion!

And you know what's the best part? Every piece that comes out of our workshop has the Slade Czech quality stamp on it. That means we've put not just our hearts, but our souls into it.

XL Bully

The Controversial Ban on XL Bully in the UK: Justice or Discrimination?

In recent years, a heated debate has erupted in the United Kingdom over the ban on a dog breed known as the XL Bully. This discussion has sparked passionate reactions from both opponents and supporters of the measure. The ban, aimed at protecting the public, has also raised questions about fairness and potential discrimination. Read on to learn more about this controversial issue.

Difference in measuring standard and half check collars

Difference in measuring standard and half check collars

Every dog owner knows that choosing the right collar is crucial for the comfort and safety of their four-legged friend. There are several different types of collars, but two of the most common are standard collars and slip collars. The difference between these two types of collars lies in how they are measured and used.

Adopting a dog from a dog shelter

Adopting a dog from a dog shelter

Adopting a dog from a shelter can be an amazing choice for many people. Not only do you give a furry friend a loving home, but you also bring heaps of joy and love into your life. However, before you decide to adopt, it's important to consider a few key factors.

Handmade - Beauty and Value in Unique Design

Handmade - Beauty and Value in Unique Design

In today's world, constantly shaped by technological advances and automation, handmade craftsmanship remains a significant and treasured process. It results in unique products that embody quality, originality, and human effort. Handmade production goes beyond the limits of machines and tools, bridging the past with the present and creating artifacts that hold not just aesthetic value, but also a deeper meaning.

Get ready to adventure in style with personalised dog collars from Slade Czech

Get ready to adventure in style with personalised dog collars from Slade Czech

Hey there, fashion lovers! We've got something special for those of you who love to strut your stuff as true style icons. Now, you can get your collar engraved on the inside – yes, you read that right, exactly to your liking! With this custom collar, you can finally showcase your unique style and personality.

Imagine having your name engraved on your collar – no more mix-ups with your neighbor’s collar! Plus, if someone dares to try and steal it, they'll have a much harder time. That engraved name on the inside makes your collar a one-of-a-kind piece that no thief would easily pick.

Bowline Show Set

Bowline Show Set

Dog shows and prestigious canine events demand meticulous preparation, training, and high-quality gear. If you're gearing up for a show with your furry friend, don't forget this essential item – the BOWLINE Show Lead.

Crafted from premium leather, these leads are available in 5mm or 10mm widths, ensuring both strength and durability. Every detail of its design has been carefully thought out to meet the demands of the show environment, providing comfort for both you and your dog.

Level up your pet's style with a Slade Czech leather collar that shines their personality.

Ignite the spark of confidence and elevate your furry friend's style with the perfect accessory!

When it comes to showcasing your pet's unique personality, nothing beats a beautifully crafted leather collar that makes a statement.

Imagine the elegance and charm radiating from your four-legged companion as they strut around with a touch of luxury around their neck. Every step exudes grace, strength, and a hint of untamed spirit.

Treat yourself to the exceptional craftsmanship of a leather collar lovingly designed by the finest artisans. From intricate details to the exquisite finish, each collar tells a story of quality, durability, and timeless beauty.

Why do dogs chew everything?

Why do dogs chew everything?

You know, dogs have their own reality show called "Survival in Your Apartment." Every day, they test what their sharp teeth can conquer and what will end up in the trash. It's their way of having fun, like saying, "Today, we chew slippers; tomorrow, it will be furniture!"

How do dogs see?

How do dogs see?

Curious about how your furry friend sees the world? There's a lot of misconceptions out there, like the idea that dogs are completely colorblind and see only in black and white. Not true! Let’s dive into some fun facts about canine vision.

Sad Story

Sad Story

Today, I want to share a touching story with you. In 2016, we had to say goodbye to our best furry friend, Ken. He was a fighter and wore the first leather collar we ever made at Slade Czech throughout his life. That collar was his symbol, and Ken eventually became the symbol and heart of our brand.

When collars and leashes squeak with joy!

When collars and leashes squeak with joy!

Hey there, leather lovers and aficionados of the finest pieces! We’ve got some awesome tips to keep your leather treasures in top shape. Let's dive in and learn how to keep our leather collars and leashes supple, strong, and waterproof.

Leather collars and leashes have their charm, but sometimes we wonder how to keep them smelling fresh and looking attractive. Well, friends, we have a secret weapon – beeswax! This miracle from our winged helpers is perfect for leather care and gives it exactly what it needs.

Living together of a child and a dog

Living together of a child and a dog

Living with both a child and a dog can be quite the challenge for many parents, especially if you decide to bring home a hyperactive four-legged friend who has even more energy than your caffeine-fueled kid.

So, how do you start this coexistence? The first step is to find the right dog. No, I don’t mean getting a dog that behaves like a stuffed teddy bear and never causes any trouble. If that’s what you want, you might as well get a real stuffed teddy bear. By the right dog, I mean one that has a similar energy level and temperament to your child. If you have a calm child, choose a calm dog. But if your home is already run by a hyperactive whirlwind, look for a dog with matching energy. This kind of dog can play with your child for hours, giving you a much-needed break.

Unique guide for true gangsters - personalize your name on the handle!

Unique guide for true gangsters - personalize your name on the handle!

Wanna be a true street gangsta? You don't have to just flaunt chains and show off to your buddies anymore! Now you can customize your leash to match your image. How? It's easy! Just get your name, your owner's name, or even your kennel's name engraved on the handle of your leash!

Forget about the standard, your dog will be in with us, buddy!

Forget about the standard, your dog will be in with us, buddy!

Hey there, dog lovers! Tired of your furry friend looking just like every other dog on the block? Want to stand out from the crowd? The Slade Czech team has got you covered...literally!

We make collars and gear so unique that your furry buddy will be the star of the day. Just give us a description or a picture, and we'll create something special that no one else has. We're like the Picassos of dog collars!

Who's Who? Bull-type Breeds

Who's Who? Bull-type Breeds

What do bull-type dogs have in common? You got it – they’ve got those chubby heads! But that’s not the only thing they share. Let's dive into what it means to be a bull-type dog and what sets them apart from other breeds.

Bull breeds are a group of dogs that share certain physical traits. They are known for their short, strong, and compact bodies, as well as their distinctive rounded heads and short, sturdy legs. However, it’s important to remember that while they have these common features, individual bull breeds can be quite different from one another.

News for tough guys who like to get dirty

News for tough guys who like to get dirty

Welcome to our latest newsletter, where we're gearing up for the upcoming season of outdoor fun! Yes, it's finally time to leave our cozy couches and soak up some sun. And what's more important for our furry friends than high-quality collars and leashes?

That's why we're excited to introduce our new line of collars and leashes made from Kaytech Slade Czech material. This stuff is not only super stylish but also 100% synthetic and waterproof! Yes, with these nifty accessories, your four-legged pals can dive right into mud and water without a care.

ID dogTag

What to do when your dog gets lost?

Losing a pet is a highly stressful and painful experience for any owner. If your dog goes missing, it's crucial to act quickly and effectively to increase the chances of finding them. In this article, we'll cover what you can do if your dog gets lost and how a dog tag can help in locating your furry friend.

The Staffordshire Knot

The Stafford Knot

The Staffordshire knot is a distinctive symbol associated with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed, originating from the English county of Staffordshire. This intricate knot, composed of interwoven loops, is often featured in jewelry, clothing, and other decorative items linked to this beloved breed.

Manufacture of leather belts.

Manufacture of leather belts.

The first step, of course, is finding the leather. This can be quite a challenge because you need to find an animal that dresses well and looks stylish. Maybe you could start with horsehide. But no, it's too much to expect a horse to give up its skin voluntarily.

5 reasons for providing your Staffie with a legendary collar

5 reasons for providing your Staffie with a legendary collar

There are many manufacturers of dog collars on the market. But not every collar and accessory is made to last. Often, they're as flimsy as paper and covered in plastic.

However, genuine saddlers still use real cowhide leather, brass fittings, and strong waxed threads. They work by hand. For instance, products from the Slade Czech workshop come with a 99-year warranty against material and stitching defects. So, your dog’s collar can be passed down from generation to generation.

Slade Czech

We have started production for 2023!

Hey there, valued customers!

We're kicking off our 2023 production! A huge thanks to all our wonderful customers for your support - this year marks our 16th season of crafting with love just for you! We can't wait to keep working together and bring you even more exciting new things each year. Let's make this season the best one yet!

We’re all in this together!

We’re all in this together!

We're lucky that in these tough times, we can shut ourselves in our workshop and work on your orders. However, we've had to limit in-person visits to a minimum. But don't worry, we're more than happy to help you with anything over the phone or via email.

Why show your dog in an original Staffie leather collar?

Why show your dog in an original Staffie leather collar?

Dog shows have a rich tradition. Since 1935, when Joe Dunn founded the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club, breeders have been showcasing their Staffies with traditional collars. Why? Because of their unique feature - the pretzel or knot. This sets their collars apart from those of other breeds.

The History of Dog Collars

The History of Dog Collars

It is difficult to say who the first person was to tie a rope around a dog’s neck and attempt to lead him like a horse or a camel. However, DNA analysis has proved that the first domesticated dog breeds already accompanied European hunters 32 000 years ago.


SBT History: Staffordshire Bull Terrier – from Fearless Fighter to Best Friend

In the 18th century, people enjoyed watching dog fights which were legal until 1835. Breeders bred Bulldogs, who were the forerunners of Staffies, for bloody fights with bulls and bears, and for dog fights, as well as for the extermination of sewer rats. But they never used any of these dogs against humans.

Collar Rescue Story

The Old Leather Collar Rescue Story

Like every dog, also I have my favourite leather collar, I wear it for many years …
However, everyday rolling in a grass, digging in a dirt and occasional swimming in a creek left the consequences – I look like a dog homeless wearing it :)
Fortunately, my collar is the Slade Czech

Engraved Metal Dog Tags and Collars

Engraved Metal Dog Tags and Collars

Do not fall prey to the illusion that your dog will definitely never run away. It does not even have to be the dog’s fault. For example, he could get lost in a crowd. He could start chasing a hare across the field or, just for once in his lifetime, taste freedom by crawling under the damn fence. What then? You run around the streets, call your dog’s name, drive around the shelters and post up posters with his photo on pillars. And it gets worse by the day. Because your beloved barking pet is missing. You try to calm yourself with the assurance that he is surely in good hands, but somehow you suspect that much more disastrous scenarios are also possible.

My Own Original Beeswax Production

My Own Original Beeswax Production

The period of research and testing is behind me, the time has come to write something about the production of Slade Czech Beeswax.

How to clean a leather collar and lead

How to clean a leather collar and lead

Leather is actually very similar to human skin. Even the leather of a collar or lead needs to breathe. At the same time, it must be sufficiently moisturised to avoid drying and cracking. The following instructions are generally suitable for cleaning smooth leather – coats, saddles, sofas and flat shoes.

From a darkened "Hole" to a new workshop

From a darkened "Hole" to a new workshop

Imagine the scene: a dim dark cell, almost like a cellar in a horror movie. Literally a "Hole"Bang! Bang! Crash! In the lamplight glow, the pounding of saddlers' tools can be heard. "Grrr! You woke me up again!" a sleepy Staffie growls in the corner.

For Dogs

Want to be a doggy superstar? With our collection, you'll break hearts wherever you go! Whether you're looking for Classic Collars for everyday elegance, Half Check Collars for a bit of discipline, or Greyhound Collars that are as fast as your hound. We've got it all.

And don't forget about Leashes and Brace Fittings, because no stylish collar is complete without a fancy leash. Heading to a show? Grab our Show Sets and be absolutely unmissable. For the adventurous types, we have Harnesses and Muzzles, so let's hit the trails!

Worried your pup might wander off? Check out our beautiful Dog Tags – they not only look great but also ensure your furry friend always finds their way home.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick out the perfect gear and get ready for some serious doggy admiration!

For humans

Check out our stylish leather Bracelets – the perfect accessory that will make everyone go "wow." Don’t stop there, add some fragrant Keychains and key rings to give your keys some flair. Need more? How about elegant leather Wallets and bags that keep your cash and belongings safe and chic?

But wait, there's more! We also have luxurious Belts that not only keep your pants where they should be but also look fantastic. Looking for something extra special? Take a peek at our Gift Vouchers – the perfect present for any style lover.

And don’t forget about Other unique accessories, like leather coasters that add a touch of Staffordshire elegance to any table.

So, don’t hesitate and pick out the best gear for yourself or as a gift. Make sure you and your buddy look sharp!